If you know me, you know I love to shop. And if you know me even better, you know I love to shop for awesome deals. I almost always make a B-line straight for the clearance section when I enter a store. I love getting a good deal on an adorable shirt or a very chic dress, and don't even get me started on shoes!!
So I thought I would let y'all in on my secrets of How To Shop For Amazing Deals
1. Always know what you're looking for.
I don't always walk into a store knowing exactly what dress I'm going to get, in exactly this color, and this size. But I do go into a store looking for clothes that I know I will actually wear. I don't go into the formalwear section of a store when I know there's no chance I will ever wear it. I look for things I know are my style and likes.
2. Have a price range.
The price range differs from store to store. I go to TJ-Maxx a lot, and I know a good deal ranges from about $12-$30 for me. If it's above that(depending on the brand or beginning price) I usually don't get it. When I go to JCrew though, a good deal is $25-$50. See the difference?
3. The back is where it's at!
I know this sounds cheap, and it is, but trust me when I say that I get most my clothes from the back of stores. I'm not kidding. Stores put their new, high dollar stuff in the front, so when they don't have any room for the other stuff they put it in the back ON CLEARANCE. Those are some of the best deals ever, because they're still new, they're still in style, and they're for a good price. It isn't like going to a thrift shop and only finding one thing that is ok. I once got a striped sweater for 97 cents in the back of Old Navy.
4. Don't buy something unless you absolutely love it.
I find clothes all the time that I think 'yea, maybe I would wear this sometime or something', but then I remember don't buy something unless you absolutely love it. I've caught myself saying this so many times. Why waste your money on something you don't even like that much? Makes sense right? And don't try to talk yourself out of it. It never works. I would rather buy a dress and a pair of shoes that I love for $40 than five pairs of shirt that I sorta like. I don't want my closet filled up with stuff I regret buying. Don't ever regret your purchase.