So I know I haven´t posted in a while, but it´s because I´m having the time of my life right now in Europe! It´s been crazy over here so this is actually my first time to be able to get on here. But as soon as I get home I am going to tell you all about my trip!
On May 28th, my mom, two brothers and I flew to Spain to visit my Spanish brother and his family. We actually figured all this out about a week before we came. The Thursday before, mom asked me if I wanted to go to Spain, and of course I said yes. After buying tickets, getting our passports in order, and packing all night, we finally made it. The flight over from Newark, NJ to Barcelona was terrible. I couldn´t sleep at all! I just ended up watching Clueless and maybe getting an hour of sleep. Plus, the food was TERRIBLE!! There was a choice of chicken or pasta, and after seeing whatever kind of meat they used as an excuse for chicken, I chose the pasta which wasn´t any better. We landed in Barcelona where Eduard and his dad Albert picked us up. We drove for about and hour and a half to Palafrugell, where they live. I slept the entire way. When we got there Eduard´s family couldn´t have made us feel more welcomed. Mrs. Carmen (Eduard´s mom) fed us amazing food, I mean after that plane ride I was in heaven. Laura, Edu´s sister, was so so nice. Eduard and Laura had to translate for us because their parents do not speak English, but even with the language barrier, we had a great time. After lunch I slept for the rest of the day, or until dinner which here in Spain they eat at around nine o´clock. After dinner we told everyone goodnight and dozed off to sleep.
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