Monday, June 22, 2015

Sunny Days

Dress:Manga Rosa(similar)//Shoes:Guess(similar) //Glasses:Mio(similar)//Bag:Bimba Y Lola//Hat:Calvin Klein

Sorry evrything is similar to what I¨m wearing. I got most of my pieces from shops in Spain and they don´t have a website. The Bimba Y Lola site is down so I couldn´t link that for you guys, but maybe you can find it later. This dress is not the most figure enhancing thing, but it is so comfortable, and it has pockets so thats a plus. You can also ditch the wedges, and throw on a pair of sandals for a walk on the beach. Seriously in love with this outfit!

Friday, June 19, 2015

Friday Favorites

     It´s Friday and what better day of the week to talk about things you love! So here are my Friday Favorites:

       1. Edible Sugar Doilies
These things are seriously adorable! I mean how cute!? I would drink tea all day if I had some of these. And they´re only like $11.

       2. 1950s Swimsuits
But seriously, who doesn´t love vintage swimsuits? They are just adorable!

       3. Lilly Collins
O.M.Gosh. This girl is beautiful! I am obsessed with her right now. And if anybody´s eyebrows are on ¨fleek¨, it´s defanitly her´s.

       4. P-E-O-N-I-E-S
I know this past couple weeks have been Peony season, and all I´ve seen are pictures of my favorite flower in the entire world. It´s killing me not to get some while I´m in Europe. So I will leave you with these magical flowers that will hopefully brighten up your Friday!


Sunday, June 14, 2015

The Flight Over

          So I know I haven´t posted in a while, but it´s because I´m having the time of my life right now in Europe! It´s been crazy over here so this is actually my first time to be able to get on here. But as soon as I get home I am going to tell you all about my trip!

          On May 28th, my mom, two brothers and I flew to Spain to visit my Spanish brother and his family. We actually figured all this out about a week before we came. The Thursday before, mom asked me if I wanted to go to Spain, and of course I said yes. After buying tickets, getting our passports in order, and packing all night, we finally made it. The flight over from Newark, NJ to Barcelona was terrible. I couldn´t sleep at all! I just ended up watching Clueless and maybe getting an hour of sleep. Plus, the food was TERRIBLE!! There was a choice of chicken or pasta, and after seeing whatever kind of meat they used as an excuse for chicken, I chose the pasta which wasn´t any better. We landed in Barcelona where Eduard and his dad Albert picked us up. We drove for about and hour and a half to Palafrugell, where they live. I slept the entire way. When we got there Eduard´s family couldn´t have made us feel more welcomed. Mrs. Carmen (Eduard´s mom) fed us amazing food, I mean after that plane ride I was in heaven. Laura, Edu´s sister, was so so nice. Eduard and Laura had to translate for us because their parents do not speak English, but even with the language barrier, we had a great time. After lunch I slept for the rest of the day, or until dinner which here in Spain they eat at around nine o´clock. After dinner we told everyone goodnight and dozed off to sleep.
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